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Enchanted Garden Flowers

Enchanted Garden Flowers


This Enchanted Garden bouquet, as lovely as it is, soothes all of the senses. Prepare to be enchanted by a stunning bouquet of mixed pink and white flowers wrapped beautifully for your special someone. It brings a glamorous appeal to the day with its exquisite elegance.


    Premier - Our premier size bouquet is the smallest.

    Deluxe - Our deluxe size bouquet has 30% more flowers than the premier size bouquet.

    Grande - Our grande size bouquet has 50% more flowers than premier size bouquet.


    If any of the flower illustrated is unavailable for any reason, we will substitute or replace it with a flower of the same value or higher then arrange it in a similar style and colour without charging you any additional cost. Please note that all natural products may be slightly different in colour variance.


    Bouquet illustrated is our "Premier" size.

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